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excuses for avoiding rehab

15 Most Common Excuses for Avoiding Rehab

When it comes to lies, excuses, and ways to dodge accountability, those with active addiction are experts. Anyone struggling with substance abuse disorders can probably come up with many excuses for avoiding rehab. These are some of the most common excuses you’ll hear from someone trying to skip on drug rehab.

1. “I Don’t Have a Problem.”

The first common excuse for avoiding rehab addicts use related to denial of their addiction people. People have various degrees of addiction; some can even manage to be functional addicts for months. Drug or alcohol addicts generally deny their problems. You will hear them say, “I can stop whenever I want,” “this is just for fun,” or “I don’t use as much, this isn’t an addiction.” However, family and friends can quickly notice they’re struggling, and eventually, addicts’ lifestyle starts to fall apart.

2. “I Can’t Afford Rehab.”

Not having money to go to rehab was a valid excuse years ago. However, for over a decade now, addiction treatment programs accept health insurance.

Even treatment centers that don’t take insurance have plenty of payment plans or financing options to help addicts seek treatment. If you keep hearing this excuse, reach out and see if their health insurance will cover the treatment. In most cases, it will. 

3. “I’m Not as Bad as Other Addicts.”

Everyone struggling with alcohol and drug addiction experiences different symptoms and side effects. Some people deteriorate much quicker than others, but no matter when they’re all addicts. A common excuse for avoiding rehab is waiting to hit the lowest point. However, on occasions, the worst point can be death. 

4. “I Can Get Clean On My Own.”

Another common phrase those addicted to alcohol or struggling with drug addiction use to skip rehab facilities. The truth of the matter is that if they could get clean by themselves, they would have already.

However, most addicts don’t recognize the power their addictions have over them. Not to mention, attempting to go through detox alone can be very dangerous. Most addicts experience life-threatening withdrawal symptoms that need the attention of a professional. 

5. “People Need Me.”

Addicts are members of society as well, with friends and family. A common excuse among functional addicts who still have a job is the fact that they have dependents. However, they often forget the long-term picture and don’t recognize that they might not be there in the long-run if they don’t treat their addiction. 

6. “I’ve Been to Rehab Before & Didn’t Work.”

Recovering addicts and those who continue relapsing will always come back to these types of excuses for avoiding rehab. In reality, there are many reasons why treatments can be unsuccessful. Sometimes the treatment plan wasn’t the right one for your needs.

Addicts can go back to old habits, choosing to dismiss all the coping mechanisms and life advice they learned in rehab. Overcoming and addiction is not a one treatment type of deal. It’s a constant and ongoing effort. When recovering addicts get too comfortable, they can relapse. 

7. “I’ll Lose My Job.”

While a valid excuse and concern, the law has a way to fact check this excuse. Thanks to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, an employer can’t fire someone for seeking treatment to recover from a serious illness, such as addiction. On a side note, eventually, most active addicts are not able to maintain employment. 

8. “I Don’t Have Transportation.”

Not having a means of transportation can make for a good excuse. However, many rehab centers offer transportation to their facilities. Having sober transportation gives those in treatment a safe way of transport while providing family and friends with ease of mind knowing their loved ones are in good hands. 

9. “I’ll Lose My Loved Ones.”

The fear of losing the support of loved ones is valid. However, avoiding drug treatment might cause strain in the relationship in the future. It’s impossible to know how your body will react to your addiction. Many addicts steal from family members or friends, have altercations with their loved ones, and other jeopardizing behaviors that might destroy the relationship. 

10. “I’m Not Hurting Anybody.”

Yes, substance abuse is self-destructive behavior, but that doesn’t mean you’re not hurting others. Everyone in your life will be affected by your condition. This excuse is just another example of how addicts don’t take responsibility and avoid accountability for their actions. 

11. “I Can’t Miss School.”

For most people struggling with addiction, skipping school can be a sign of complete failure. It feels like hitting rock-bottom for many, which is why they often use it as an excuse to avoid treatment. However, substance abuse makes school responsibilities go away and eventually your academic performance can hinder. Ask about medical leaves in your school to seek treatment. Not only will you’ll be able to focus more responsibly on your studies but you’ll be healthier.

12. “I Can’t Just Leave Work.”

Actually, you can. Thanks to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), you can use work leave to seek treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. These programs are part of a set of laws designed to help employers help anyone who’s struggling with substance abuse. EAPs are entirely confidential and handled between you and the HR department. No one will know your work leave was for drug rehab.

13. “I Don’t Want to Go to a Place that Feels Like Jail.”

Maybe this was real decades ago. However, today, most rehab facilities are welcoming places that offer beautiful accommodations to their residents. For example, at Lighthouse Recovery Institute, our inpatient facilities feel and look like home. Our apartments feature all the appliances and community areas you’d expect from a family home.

14. “I Can’t Leave My Kids Alone.”

From this list of excuses for avoiding rehab, this is perhaps the most valid one. But, when you think about it, your addiction is probably already keeping you far away from your children anyways. For those who can’t leave their children with other family members, outpatient treatment programs can provide the flexibility they need to care for their kids, other responsibilities, and seek treatment at the same time.

15. “Everyone Will Find Out I’m an Addict.”

Never. Unless you speak to someone and let them know about your substance abuse problem, your records are protected under federal HIPPA privacy guidelines. Thanks to these guidelines, your medical records are kept private. The same applies for those seeking help through the Employee Assistance Program, everything is handled confidentially.

No More Excuses for Avoiding Rehab — Seek Treatment Today

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s time to stop the excuses. Beware that addicts will stop at no extent to come up with excuses. Don’t listen. 

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we’re more than familiar with these common excuses. If you’re seeking addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, our team is here to answer any questions you might have. Our treatment programs offer a comprehensive approach that looks into mental health, behavioral issues, and more. Forget about the excuses and pick up the phone today to speak with one of our admission representatives and start your treatment journey towards recovery.

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