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meth addiction stories

The Reality Behind Meth Addiction Stories

Meth is a hazardous drug. Methamphetamine is a drug that virtually no one can control, and when it comes to meth addiction stories, the reality is that most of the time, people don’t make it to share them. Since meth is an illicit drug, the majority of times, you don’t even know exactly what’s entering the body. 

Even still, according to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 1.6 million people reported using methamphetamine in the past year. Not to mention, an estimated 964,000 people aged 12 or older had a methamphetamine use disorder in 2017. 

What is Methamphetamine?

Meth is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant that directly affects the central nervous system. It goes by the names blue, ice, and crystal or crystal meth, among many other terms used on the streets to disguise its sale. Like amphetamine, methamphetamine causes increased activity and talkativeness, decreased appetite, and a pleasurable sense of well-being or euphoria.

However, unlike other stimulants, with meth, much higher amounts of the drug get into the brain, making it a more potent stimulant. Besides, it has longer-lasting and more harmful effects on the central nervous system. All of these characteristics make meth much prone to misuse and addiction. 

Signs of Meth Addiction

Like with most addictions, people slowly build a meth dependency and then fall for an addiction. However, the nature of meth can often speed this process, and someone might develop an addiction within months of their first use. 

While everyone shows different signs of methamphetamine addiction, most people experience:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased or rapid breathing
  • Dilated pupils
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Heavy sweating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Paranoia
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia

Beyond these common signs, meth addicts will sometimes go periods of time without being able to find or afford the drug. When this happens, it is common for them to show indicators of withdrawal symptoms, especially long-term meth users. 

Meth Addiction Stories

It’s common to find meth addiction stories online. Sometimes, even celebrities will share their drug addiction stories to shed some light on this awful problem. These addiction stories aren’t meant to impart pettily or scare anyone. They’re a way to genuinely show the reality of meth addiction and how these substances can easily destroy someone’s life and their families. 

“When I tried meth for the first time, I knew the nature of my disease. I knew that the minute I put the drugs in my body, my brain would respond with an uncontrollable obsession. (…) I knew all about addiction; had already been to treatment for alcoholism and “soft” drugs. (…) Needed something to change the way I felt.” 

– Christine

“A few puffs gave me the energy to clean the apartment, do laundry, run some errands, and still be wide awake whenever my baby cried. I was cautious, though, never to smoke around my baby. (…) I somehow managed to convince myself that by doing it this way, I could take care of my habit  — and my baby.” 

– Elizabeth

“Smoked again, need more than usual now (was starting to miss the first time feeling) and did nothing useful. My body is now in pain, lost a lot of weight, getting insomnia, and my emotions are unstable when sober. (…) I started to find more meth-friends. Spend like half of my scholarship on meth.”

– Mat

Seeking Help for Meth Addiction

In methamphetamine addiction treatment, the physical and mental impacts of meth use become part of the treatment plan. The individualized therapy of meth use often includes medical care, dental work, therapy, medication, and also psychiatric care. However, treating the symptoms of meth use doesn’t address the underlying problem: abuse and addiction.

Before someone can begin repairing the damage caused by meth, they need access to comprehensive addiction treatment. For meth users, this is especially important because it harms the brain and the way the user experiences emotions, perception, and thinking. 

Some treatment options for meth addiction include:

Most of the time, meth addiction is best treated through inpatient treatment programs or intensive outpatient programs. Once patients complete these initial stages of treatment, they can move to an outpatient program setting that gives them the flexibility and structure they need to continue their recovery journey. However, each case is unique, which is why at our treatment center, we offer personalized meth addiction treatment programs.

Seeking Addiction Treatment 

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use disorders, please reach out. The effects of inhalants can be life-threatening, even after the first use. Through our dual diagnosis programs at Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we can help people understand their addictive behavior and the underlying causes.

We believe in offering customized substance abuse treatment plans that adapt to each person’s needs and experiences. Reach our admissions office today and ask about our addiction recovery programs. 

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