Partial Hospitalization Program

The key to effective addiction treatment is finding the exact level of care that each person in recovery needs. For some people, this might mean a residential treatment program or 12-step meetings. For others, a partial hospitalization program (PHP) is the best course of action for them to overcome their addiction issues. At Lighthouse Recovery Insititute, our partial hospitalization program in Boynton Beach, FL, provides an opportunity for people to heal from the mental and physical toll of addiction. If you or someone you care about is interested in a partial hospitalization program or our other addiction treatment programs, reach out to our Lighthouse Recovery Institute team today by filling out our convenient online form or calling 866-308-2090.
Partial Hospitalization in Boynton Florida

What’s a Partial Hospitalization Program?

A partial hospitalization program usually occurs after those battling addiction complete a drug and alcohol detox program. It offers an alternative to inpatient rehab programs. These programs are available in hospitals or freestanding addiction treatment centers providing intensive services. Patients who participate in a  partial hospitalization program may receive treatment during days, evenings, or weekends, returning home at night.

A PHP is suitable for patients who are not a danger to themselves but still require intensive treatment. Patients spend more time in therapy than those in a traditional outpatient program, thus having access to a more intense level of care.

What to Expect from a Partial Hospitalization Program

Partial hospitalization programs are offered as a step-down program after completion of inpatient hospitalization or residential treatment. However, PHPs can still provide high-level services and therapeutic programming on a relatively short-term basis. At this level of care, patients are physically and psychologically stable and do not need inpatient hospitalization. They participate in different activities, including individual therapy, group therapy, and activities designed to improve decision-making and communication skills.

It isn’t a hospital stay since patients participate in different treatment plans. PHP often involves attending treatment Monday through Friday and meeting with the treatment team, which often involves a mental health professional, social worker, and an addiction specialist. The program is designed to combine the flexibility of intensive outpatient treatment but includes the medical health care element.

Planning for treatment in a PHP usually starts during the preceding inpatient or residential stay. Program administrators help patients understand the structure of the program and set the right expectations.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Addiction Treatment

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, a PHP can help bridge the space between inpatient treatment and an outpatient setting. Choosing a partial hospitalization program has many benefits, including access to intensive therapy, medical care, and psychiatric care.

Our PHP typically includes various therapy options, including:

  • Group therapy – The initial element of addiction treatment is group therapy. Generally, therapists, counselors, or addiction professionals will run the group sessions for addiction. The most significant benefits of group therapy include members gaining insight and feedback from one another.
  • Individual therapy – Individual therapy is a one-on-one interaction between the therapist and an individual to process successes and setbacks in their recovery. Additionally, individual sessions allow addicts to discuss underlying issues that led them to addictive behavior. 
  • Medication-assisted treatment – Quality medical treatment is essential for recovery for dual diagnosis patients or individuals with co-occurring disorders. In all of our addiction treatment programs, patients have access to medication-assisted treatment to help manage intense cravings for drugs and alcohol.
  • Family counseling – Close friends and family members, in particular, feel the impacts of addiction and untreated mental health disorders. As a result, our drug rehab center offers extensive family therapy. Through our family support services and effective communication therapy, new relationships emerge.

Learn more about lighthouse recovery institute’s florida addiction treatment today

Coming to Lighthouse Recovery Institute can turn lives around for those ready to enter drug rehab or alcohol rehab. Patients from all across the country have found the calm and peaceful setting that Florida offers to help them during recovery will readily attest to the usefulness of taking the trip. Our Lighthouse Recovery Institute team provides inpatient and outpatient programs, counseling, therapy, and additional resources such as teaching sober life skills. Don’t let addiction dominate your life for one more day. Suppose you are unsure whether an inpatient or outpatient drug addiction program is best to choose. In that case, we encourage you to contact our Lighthouse Recovery Institute team today by calling 866-308-2090 or completing our online contact form.
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