Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions should be the foundation of any effective addiction treatment program. During individual counseling sessions, people have the opportunity to uncover the underlying causes of their addiction and begin to heal. If you or a loved one might benefit from individual therapy for addiction, reach out to Lighthouse Recovery Institute today. We proudly provide individual therapy in Boynton Beach, FL, for people who are ready to start their recovery journeys. Learn more about our addiction therapy programs from our friendly staff today by calling 866-308-2090 or filling out our online contact form.

Benefits of Individual Therapy in Treatment

The best drug and alcohol rehab centers focus on quality. Our Lighthouse Recovery Institute team believes individual therapy is an integral part of the healing process at our Florida rehabilitation center for addiction. Individual therapy sessions touch on various issues, including how trauma plays a role in addiction and mental health. Furthermore, our rehab center’s psychotherapy focuses on developing new coping skills and overcoming cravings for drinking after treatment. Individual psychotherapy can also center around life skill development and family counseling.

There are a variety of evidence-based therapeutic modalities therapists use depending on individual needs. Psychotherapy or talk therapy includes psychoanalysis to find the best treatment plan and help patients receive support throughout their treatment.

How Does Individual Therapy Work During Drug Rehab?

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, the treatment process is a collaborative journey between the patient and the drug rehab center’s treatment team. In individual therapy, patients work alongside their therapists to acquire self-knowledge of underlying issues and gain insight into their addiction.

The therapist assists the patient through the many recovery stages and empowers the patient to make positive changes. With a wide range of therapists, we strategically match each patient with the therapist to best fit their recovery needs. During inpatient or outpatient rehab, individuals meet with their primary therapist weekly. The duration of individual therapy is generally 60 minutes.

Individual Therapy Addiction Alcoholism

Who Performs Individual Therapy in Addiction Treatment?

Each drug and alcohol rehab center varies in its approach to treating addiction and mental health issues. At our rehabilitation center, we understand that treating addiction requires significant education and experience. Our licensed therapists are the ones that provide medical advice and diagnosis before suggesting the right treatment plan for our patients.

As a result, our treatment center staff holds one or more professional titles, including: 

  • Medical doctor
  • Certified addiction professionals
  • Certified addiction counselors
  • Mental health counselors 
  • Clinical social workers

Processing the mental health, employment, and family issues that substance abuse creates are critical aspects of addiction treatment. The variety of therapeutic modalities we use and our attention to detail have our treatment center on track to be one of the nation’s best.

Forms of Individual Therapy Used in Addiction Treatment

Beyond group and family therapy, a critical part of drug and alcohol addiction treatment involves receiving individual therapy from a trained professional. Long-term psychotherapy can help address behavioral habits that contribute to and foster substance abuse. Sometimes, part of these therapies includes incorporating short-term couples therapy into other related treatments to help patients start building healthier relationships around them.

Additional therapeutic approaches used in addiction treatment include:

  • Motivational interviewing (MI) – Motivational Interviewing, in particular, uses a positive and nonjudgmental stance on drug and alcohol addiction. As a result, MI addresses addiction as a disease and not a moral failing.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) – Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a modern form of evidence-based treatment used in most drug rehabilitation centers. Generally, therapists utilize cognitive-behavioral therapy to help patients change their destructive behaviors through identification.
  • Relapse prevention training – Relapse prevention is a critical goal of addiction treatment. By increasing awareness of high-risk situations, understanding triggers, and developing skills to cope with cravings, individual counseling can help reduce relapse after rehab. 

Choose lighthouse recovery institute for individual therapy during rehab

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, our highly qualified team has helped many people find the strength to pursue recovery, and we can do the same for you or someone you care about. Contact us today by completing our online contact form or calling 866-308-2090 and begin to heal from the effects of addiction.
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