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Relapse Prevention Program
Recovery from drug addiction and alcohol is a lifelong journey of continuous healing and self-discovery. This journey begins with the decision to seek help from a reputable addiction treatment provider. Once someone completes drug and alcohol addiction treatment, their chances of relapse are significantly higher than expected. In fact, many types of treatment, including intensive outpatient treatment, incorporate relapse prevention as part of the program.
At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, our addiction treatment programs in Florida include a relapse prevention program. We want to set our patients up for long-term success in recovery, and creating a customized relapse prevention plan is an excellent method of support. Learn more about our relapse prevention program today by calling Lighthouse Recovery Institute today at 866-308-2090 or filling out our online form.

Understanding Relapse Rates
The relapse rate amongst recovering addicts and alcoholics who cease treatment immediately after inpatient drug rehab is significantly higher than those who continue with a long-term addiction treatment program. More than half of those who complete treatment relapse within the first year of sobriety. Relapse prevention programs offer a structure to help prevent this and guide them in the early recovery days.
At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we incorporate extensive and detailed relapse prevention courses and education into our drug treatment program. As part of a continued aftercare plan, we firmly believe that relapse prevention is essential to maintain a meaningful recovery.
Community Integration
During drug rehab, we introduce our patients to the 12-step method while they are in treatment, familiarizing them with the literature and the program’s basic structure in general. We also provide transportation to and from local 12-step and Smart Recovery meetings, allowing them to become further acquainted with the recovery program they will be expected to participate in and encourage them to develop meaningful relationships with others in recovery. This community integration component allows for positive peer support systems to be built while in primary treatment.
12-Step Programs
We recommend that all of our patients remain involved with some addiction recovery program immediately following their graduation from inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment. This involvement typically comes in integrated participation in a 12-step program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or other similarly structured 12-step fellowships.
At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we want our patients to feel comfortable in their environment to remain focused on what is truly important, their recovery. We’re here to answer any questions you might have about the risks of drug abuse and to learn more about alcohol or drugs addiction treatment.
The Stages of Relapse
Relapse is a gradual process of several stages that ends with the individual engaging in using a substance.
The stages of relapse are:
- Emotional relapse
- Mental relapse
- Physical relapse
Relapse prevention aims to help the individual recognize the earlier stages of relapse and develop coping skills to prevent a possible relapse. Addiction is much like other chronic diseases because its symptoms can go into remission. Relapse is almost inevitable if an individual does not have the skills and support to ensure continued recovery as a part of their daily life.
While treatment will vary from individual to individual, the basic recipe for continued success in sobriety remains the same. At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we focus on the many ways in which a person in recovery from addiction can protect themselves from relapse.
Preventative Relapse Measures
While most inpatient rehab programs go over relapse prevention mechanisms, they don’t incorporate continuum care. After completing rehab, patients still need support to transition to the next phase of their recovery journey. Relapse prevention programs are often known as aftercare programs incorporated into intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) or outpatient programs.
Overall, these programs are designed to give recovering addicts a sense of structure as they navigate back to their daily lives. Usually, these programs integrate various therapies and alternative treatments to help people maintain their sobriety.
Common therapy options include:
- Family therapy
- Group therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
Participation in our specially designed relapse prevention courses is mandatory for all of our patients. In adherence to the personally designed aftercare program, our clinical team develops for each patient and their family.
Another crucial aspect of relapse prevention is the immediate transition to a sober living facility or recovery residence following inpatient treatment or outpatient drug rehab. The focus is on separating the resident from their previous substance-abusing environment to continue their recovery in a sober and supportive environment. This is a significant component of early recovery. The structure will allow the newly sober person to successfully transition back into society and personal freedom while receiving adequate guidance and accountability.
Our Lighthouse Recovery Institute team will recommend a patient to attend one of the several reliable and reputable sober living and accredited recovery residences within our network based on their specific needs and preferences. Attending a sober living facility immediately after graduating from our inpatient treatment center or outpatient program is a significant component of overall relapse prevention and long-term sobriety.
Who Can Participate in Relapse Prevention Activities?
Initially, anyone who completes a drug rehab program is encouraged to continue their care through a relapse prevention program. However, besides the recovering addict, their family members, close friends, and loved ones should be part of this process.
Support is essential to addiction recovery, and when the whole family participates in relapse prevention programs, it’s easier for everyone to recognize the warning signs of relapse. Finally, education is paramount for long-term recovery, and these programs can help mend dysfunctional family relationships that could interfere with the recovery process.
Will Insurance Cover Relapse Prevention?
In most cases, relapse prevention is part of many long-term addiction programs. In this case, insurance policies will often cover some or all of the costs associated with treatment. However, no two insurance policies are alike. Before you enroll in an aftercare or long-term relapse prevention program, it’s paramount that you verify your insurance coverage with our Lighthouse Recovery Insititute team. Or discuss finance options with us to ensure you can receive the quality of care you need.