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Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Program
Benzodiazepines, sometimes referred to as benzos, are essentially tranquilizers widely prescribed to treat anxiety, muscle tension, and insomnia. Although these drugs are safe for many when used as prescribed, it is possible to develop a physical dependence or addiction to them. Due to the dangers of benzodiazepine withdrawal, professional benzodiazepine addiction treatment is the best option for those struggling with this form of addiction.
For benzodiazepine drug addiction treatment, reach out to Lighthouse Recovery Institute. Our benzo addiction treatment program in Boynton Beach, FL, provides the perfect environment to heal from substance use and focus on recovery. If you or someone you care about might benefit from a substance abuse treatment program at Lighthouse Recovery Insititute, call our friendly team at 866-308-2090 or fill out our online form.

Commonly Prescribed Benzos
Benzos also help people relax before surgery or medical procedures. Benzos work on the central nervous system and the neurotransmitter GABA to calm nerve impulses, which eventually helps calm anxiety.
They are most commonly prescribed to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, muscle pain, and even alcohol addiction. There are numerous brand-name benzos and generic counterparts on the market, but the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines include the following medication. You may recognize them.
Ativan is a powerful anti-anxiety medicine that is part of a class of substances called benzodiazepines. Ativan is intended to assist people with the symptoms of short-term anxiety and is not intended for long-term use as it can lead to severe addiction.
Valium is a prescription medication that is taken in small doses to help manage insomnia and anxiety symptoms. When used in combination with other drugs, severe effects can result. Post-acute withdrawal symptoms can last from days to weeks to months following the last use.
Xanax is a prescription drug that falls into the category of benzodiazepines. The medication is used to induce sleep, treat anxiety and panic disorders, and alleviate alcohol withdrawal. Prolonged daily use can result in physical dependence and withdrawal when discontinued.
Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction
Because benzodiazepines have different classifications and effects, they act very differently. Researchers know that benzos increase dopamine levels instantly, which fills your brain with feel-good neurotransmitters. There’s evidence that benzos’ addictive power is similar to opioids and cannabinoids, which are substances with strong addictive qualities.
Despite the different effects of various kinds of benzos, common signs of benzodiazepine addiction include:
- Increased tolerance to benzos
- Attempts to stop using benzos without success
- “Doctor shopping,” which is going to different doctors to obtain multiple prescriptions
- Asking others for their benzos
- Risky behavior, such as driving under the influence of benzos
- Mixing benzodiazepines with alcohol or other drugs
Once you see these signs of benzo addiction, the best course of action is to seek a benzo addiction treatment program.
When to Consider Treatment
Recognizing and admitting that there is a problem is the first step to getting help and entering recovery. If you can relate to the following statements, it may be time to consider benzodiazepine addiction treatment.
- My benzo abuse is causing problems in my relationships at home, work, and school.
- My loved ones are concerned about my health and appearance due to my benzo abuse.
- I can’t stop taking benzos even though I may want to quit.
- I continue to abuse benzos even in situations when it is especially dangerous to do so.
- I experience withdrawal symptoms whenever I try to stop using benzos.
- My financial problems are getting worse due to my benzo abuse.
- My benzo abuse is straining or destroying my most important relationships.
- I am experiencing new or worsening mental health conditions due to my benzo abuse.
- I go to great lengths to acquire benzos, like doctor shopping or stealing them.
- My friends and family have expressed that they think I need professional treatment.
Help is available; you just need to take that first step and reach out for it. The best and safest way to break benzodiazepine addiction is under the care of professionals at an addiction treatment facility.
Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Options
Benzodiazepine detox can be a long process. While there are many treatment options, inpatient benzo detox might be the safest plan. With inpatient treatment, patients need to stay at a detox facility with proper medical supervision and care. With this type of care, users receive a more in-depth medical approach to rehab that includes doctor and nurse care. Inpatient treatment can help patients look for ways to ease benzo withdrawal symptoms through medication assistance and more. However, outpatient treatment can still benefit those with a lower dependence on benzos or those who have already completed the detox process and still require help with their dependency.
Addiction treatment options at Lighthouse Recovery Institute include:
- Medical detox
- Inpatient programs
- Outpatient program
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Aftercare programs