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Dilaudid Addiction Treatment

Impacts of Dilaudid Addiction
If you’re familiar with the epidemic of opioid addiction in the United States, you’re probably familiar with Dilaudid. Dilaudid, also known as hydromorphone, is a schedule II controlled substance prescribed for moderate to severe pain.
Prescription opioid medications like Dilaudid are central nervous system depressants. When used for longer periods of time, side effects of Dilaudid misuse can lead to substance use disorders and other health conditions. Dilaudid is popular among substance users due to its quick-release quality. The fast-acting release means that Dilaudid begins working in the brain very quickly once consumed, producing the rush that users often seek. Unfortunately, this is also one of the qualities that make it such a dangerous, even deadly substance. However, with quality addiction treatment, individuals can recover from Dilaudid addiction.
Effects of Dilaudid on the Body
The immediate effects of Dilaudid include:
- Drowsiness
- Pain relief
- Nausea or vomiting
- Sedation
- Lightheadedness
Using Dilaudid can also cause a severe, even fatal overdose, especially when combined with other substances such as alcohol. Dilaudid remains in the body for two to three days and is detectable on a drug test during this time. Since the drug acts so quickly in the system, Dilaudid carries a high risk of overdose, even in patients using the medication as prescribed.
Signs of Dilaudid Addiction
The long-term consequences of Dilaudid use can be severe. One of the main risks of using the substance is the high potential for increased tolerance and addiction. As someone uses Dilaudid over a long period, they reduce their sensitivity to it, causing them to need more substance to gain the same effects.
Developing tolerance is one of the significant signs that someone has become dependent or addicted. Dilaudid addiction can snowball, as the drug is potent and causes severe withdrawal symptoms when a user attempts to quit.
Dilaudid Withdrawal and Detox
When someone is addicted to Dilaudid, one of the main barriers to recovery is the physical withdrawal that occurs when attempting to stop using the drug. An individual addicted to Dilaudid may truly desire recovery but might not achieve it due to the intensity of withdrawal.
Opioids like Dilaudid cause withdrawal symptoms, including:
- Severe cravings
- Muscle aches and general body pain
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Cramping
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
Individuals addicted to Dilaudid often need supervised medical detox to quit using and begin recovering successfully.
Dilaudid Addiction Treatment With Lighthouse
At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, all of our Dilaudid addiction treatment programs incorporate weekly individual therapy sessions with licensed therapists and addiction counselors. These sessions allow individuals to meet and process all of their progress throughout their treatment.
During group therapy sessions, patients learn coping skills, relapse prevention strategies, emotional regulation practices, and life skills. When they are not in session, patients attend support groups, the gym, community events, and other activities that support their ongoing recovery.
Additionally, patients engage in intense trauma therapy to uncover the underlying issues resulting in their continuous, chronic use of drugs and alcohol and work on grief resolution in a safe, confidential environment. Patients also can engage in family therapy, medication management, and a range of holistic services.
Dilaudid Addiction Levels of Care
Our Lighthouse Recovery Institute team understands that providing different levels of care is the key to effective addiction treatment. As such, Dilaudid addiction treatment at our Boynton Beach, Florida, includes treatment options such as:
- Inpatient treatment
- Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- Dual diagnosis treatment
- Aftercare