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alcohol addiction

medication-assisted treatment for alcohol use disorder

Understanding Alcohol Addiction & Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment for alcohol has been gaining popularity to offer those who have struggled with continuous relapse a path to long-lasting sobriety. Alcohol is a widely accepted and legally accessible substance and is a significant part of various societal and cultural practices. Alcohol misuse leads to alcohol use disorder, also known as alcohol addiction and

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Addiction recovery reading list: must reads

Addiction Recovery Reading List: Must-Reads

Recovery from substance abuse is a strenuous journey, often filled with uncertainty and despair. Yet, it’s a path many brave individuals tread, always searching for a beacon of hope to guide them through the darkness. One such beacon comes in the form of addiction recovery books. These books serve as a lifeline, providing inspiration, guidance,

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Addiction Treatment Options near me

Understanding Addiction Treatment: Options and Pathways to Recovery

Addiction is a complex and challenging condition that requires comprehensive treatment to address the physical, psychological, emotional, and social aspects of the individual. Treatment for substance use disorder is not a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a personalized journey toward recovery. In this article, we will explore the various treatment options available and the pathways to

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The Effects of Binge Drinking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Binge drinking is characterized by consuming an excessive amount of alcohol within a short period. This is a prevalent and concerning behavior that affects individuals of all ages. While moderate alcohol consumption may be socially acceptable in certain situations, the effects of binge drinking pose a significant risk to both physical and mental health.  This

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A Guide to Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction, medically known as an alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. People with this condition are unable to control their alcohol consumption and experience adverse consequences when they do not drink. Fortunately, there are various types of treatment available to help individuals recover from alcohol addiction and

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Drug Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timelines, and Treatment

Drug withdrawal is a challenging and often uncomfortable process that occurs when an individual stops using drugs or is unable to access them. When the body and brain experience the absence of these substances, they may develop various physical and mental symptoms as a result of adaptation. It is crucial to understand the symptoms, timelines,

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a college student struggles to stay focused studying in the campus library as a result of the effects of her recent binge drinking and partying

Binge Drinking and College Students

Alcohol consumption, particularly drinking at social events, is extremely normalized in our culture. As a result, for college students and youngsters embarking on university life, binge drinking at parties is often considered a rite of passage. But binge drinking and college students aren’t a good combination—a person can risk death from alcohol poisoning, get into

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woman having Side Effects of Alcohol Withdrawals

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, and Treatment

Our society widely accepts alcohol use even when they know it comes with a high potential for abuse. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are not new, and every year over three million new cases appear across the country. However, like other drugs, alcohol withdrawal symptoms are real. Those struggling with alcoholism can suffer life-threatening side effects,

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Signs of Alcoholism

Signs of Alcoholism – Recognizing Warning Signs of Addiction

Alcohol is a legal drug, but one that can still be addictive. However, sometimes recognizing the early signs of alcoholism is challenging. To better understand alcohol abuse, we must know how to recognize the warning signs of alcoholism and how to seek help. What is Alcohol Use Disorder? The term alcoholism is not a clinical

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