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scholastic magazine press

The Award-Winning Scholastic Choices

Scholastic Magazine publishes Choices, an educational magazine distributed into middle schools and high schools all over the country. Choices are the award-winning health and life skills magazine for teens.

The Scholastic magazine has sustained popularity due to its innovative topics and articles introducing into the school system. Addiction affects the lives of millions of Americans in this country, and often the topic is “hushed” in education settings.

Lighthouse Recovery Institute was asked to give the incredible story behind the program and educate families on what to look for in their children early on. Prevention is the best treatment.

Every day, Brittany works with young women who are as addicted to pills as she was. “They think they can stop when they want to,” she says. “Addiction deceives us by letting us think that we can use drugs on our own terms.”

But once you’re addicted, the part of your brain in the driver’s seat is the part that wants and needs pills. “It doesn’t let you think about the lives you are destroying and the dreams you are killing,” Brittany adds. “My family lost trust in me, and I lost my childhood friends too.”

Now that Brittany is drug-free, that’s all changed.

“I get to help spread the message that I never heard about the dangers of prescription drugs—as well as the fact that recovery is possible.”

Click here to read the entire original article that appeared on Scholastic Magazine.

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