roxicodone addiction facts

Roxicodone Addiction Facts and Statistics


Roxicodone (oxycodone) is a prescription opioid medication to treat moderate to chronic pain. A powerful medicine, even those who take Roxicodone following their doctor’s orders can develop dependence and drug addiction. 

But, Roxicodone is highly addictive. The more we learn about Roxicodone addiction facts and statistics, the easier it will be to recognize addiction in yourself or a loved one. 

After all, the transition from use to addiction can be relatively quick when using oxycodone. 

1. Roxicodone Dependence and Addiction Are Not the Same

Most people have difficulty understanding the difference between dependence and addiction. Recognizing the differences can help save someone’s life and will help you know if someone is abusing roxies or not.


  • Experiences withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking the drug
  • Needs a higher dosage or quantity to achieve the same high or effects
  • Craves Roxicodone even when not under its influence
  •  Feels “not right” when not under the influence of oxycodone


  • Makes it a priority to use Roxicodone above all else
  • Doesn’t mind putting themselves or others in dangerous situations to get oxycodone
  • Struggles financially and legally because of oxycodone use
  • Allos relationships, work, and their health to deteriorate

Recreational Use:

  • Takes more oxycodone than prescribes to see how it feels
  • Uses oxycodone at parties or with friends only
  • Looks for Roxicodone for relief on stressful or “bad” days
  • Feels an intense euphoria during use that they want to replicate 

2. Roxicodone Withdrawal Mimic Flu Symptoms

Roxicodone withdrawal symptoms can be intense and life-threatening. Patients shouldn’t abruptly stop Roxicodone use. As a result, addicts are encouraged to seek detox treatment to lower their drug dose slowly. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Cold or allergic reactions
  • Mood changes
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Insomnia

Overall withdrawal symptoms will vary depending on the dosage, time abusing, and other personal indicators. The type of pill used will also vary, as oxycodone is available in extended-release tablets that will take longer act. These same factors can also determine how long oxycodone stays in your system.

3. Most People Mix Oxycodone With Other Substances

While oxycodone helps treat moderate to severe pain, those who use it for recreational use might combine it with other substances. Polysubstance abuse or mixing different substances is a common practice among addicts. Common combinations include:

Because most of these substances are central nervous system depressants, mixing them can be dangerous. This combination of substances can slow down breathing to the point of complete failure. Even if it doesn’t cause death, it can cause coma and irreversible brain damage. 

Combining substances can also intensify mental illness side effects, such as hallucinations, paranoia, and depression.

4. Roxicodone Has Many Street Names

just like every major drug, Roxicodone has many street names that people use to hide their use. Most names come from characteristics of the pills and the names. The most popular street names for oxycodone include:

  • Blue
  • Kicker
  • Percs
  • 512s
  • Hillbilly heroin
  • OC 
  • Ox
  • Roxy
  • Oxy

5. Hydrocodone Is Similar to Oxycodone

In essence, hydrocodone and oxycodone are similar in chemical form and function. They are usually prescribed together or on their own.

Studies proved there’s little to no difference in which one is more powerful for pain management in terms of effectiveness. Most studies show similar results, even when combining each drug with other medications. However, based on chemical composition, hydrocodone may be less potent than oxycodone. 

As far as dosage, they have more differences. Although both pain medications are available in extended-release presentations, they differ in dosage. For example, someone taking oxycodone will do so every 12 hours, while hydrocodone they’ll take once daily. 

Overall, whether it is to treat short-term pain or long-term pain, most experts believe that these should be emergency medicine choices for pain relief. As always, it’s best to seek medical advice for alternatives that carry less risk of addiction.

Statistics Around Roxicodone Addiction

Roxicodone is a Schedule II Controlled Substance with a high risk of dependence and addiction. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Roxicodone statistics show:

  • More than 232,000 individuals in the United States have died of an overdose involving prescription opioids from 1999 to 2018.
  • In 2017, there were 58 pain-relieving opioid prescriptions for every 100 Americans.
  • In 2018, 41 people died each day from an opioid-related overdose.
  • Over 9 percent of all Americans will abuse opiates in their lifetime.
  • More than 13 million people abuse Oxycodone (the active ingredient in Roxicodone).  

While there is no doubt prescription opioid deaths are decreasing, over six years, prescriptions for high-dosage opioids remain stable. Thus, to fight the substance abuse epidemic, prescribers need to look for other pain relief medications that aren’t addictive. 

Teenagers aren’t immune to the opioid abuse epidemic. Most teens get prescription drugs from their own home or the home of a friend. The majority of addicts confess to trying their first drugs from their parent’s medicine cabinets. 

While statistics are a bit outdated, in 2015, close to 4% of high school seniors abused oxycodone. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, almost 80% of people who start using prescription opioids end becoming addicted to heroin. 

How Do I Know If Someone Is Abusing Roxies?

Apart from recognizing the withdrawal side effects above, it’s essential to look at the overall way someone is acting. A person who’s constantly under the influence of Roxicodone may appear very sleepy, and their pupils will be tiny. 

They often complain about feeling tired, having low energy, and would likely say that they can fall asleep in the middle of your conversation. They don’t really have the motivation to complete daily activities like work or school. 

Obviously, if you see someone chewing, crushing, snorting, or injecting any substance, that’s a clear indication that they’re abusing a substance. 

Someone abusing Roxicodone will also experience mood swings. At times you may note irritability or symptoms of depression. Other times, they’ll be euphoric, calm, and relaxed. All within a matter of minutes. 

Finding Help for Opioid Abuse

If you or someone you love is struggling with substance use disorders, ask for help immediately. Because withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and increase the likelihood of overdose, most experts recommend attending a medically supervised detox facility and follow up with a rehabilitation program.

Many treatment facilities can help structure the right treatment plan that often involves:

  • Inpatient Programs: These offer a temptation-free environment that’s designed to help people in recovery. In this case, people check into a living drug rehab facility, and they attend meetings and therapy sessions while remaining in a supervised environment. 
  • Outpatient Programs: For those with a mild addiction, an outpatient rehab program might be an option. In this case, they have a more flexible program that allows them to maintain their daily schedules and responsibilities like attending school, work, or caring for their families. 
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment: While rare, long-time addicts might experience worse withdrawal symptoms. To prevent these symptoms from harming them physically and psychologically, a physician might recommend specific prescription medications to help through the withdrawal process under a medically supervised program.
  • PsychotherapyBeyond the detox process, it’s paramount to tackle the addiction focusing on the addict’s mental health. Through individual therapy, people can understand what drives addictive behavior and see if there’s an underlying cause of their addiction. 

Call us today at 866-308-2090 to learn more about our rehab programs. Our addiction center offers unique and personalized treatment plans because we believe no two addictions are alike. The journey towards recovery is a long one, but together and with your family and friends’ support, we’ll make it. 

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