
What Are Some Quick Addiction Treatments?

Addiction is an incredibly tough battle to fight. Anyone who’s been there knows how easy it’s to have a step back and feel like they’re back at square one again. Unfortunately, the desperation to get better sometimes leads people to quick addiction treatments promising magical solutions to a complex problem. The truth is that, while there are some quick drug addiction treatments out there, they may only work if they’re part of a more comprehensive treatment plan. 

The Truth About 30-Day Addiction Treatments

So many treatment centers promote the easiness and quickness of a 30-day residential program. These are short-term, quick addiction treatments that incorporate individual and group therapy sessions and participation in 12-step meetings. Most residents stay at the facilities for 30 days. 

Initially, the first addiction treatment center for the United States Air Force in 1970 was the first to introduce 30-day rehab programs. However, this was designed to remove men and women from duty without having to be reassigned. The idea was to offer support quickly and allow the armed forces to return to their units after treatment. 

However, the National Institute on Drug Abuse published a report in 1999 that stated that anyone attending inpatient substance abuse treatment for under 90 days has a far greater chance of relapse. The study also reports that 90 days is not the gold standard, and staying in rehab for 90 does not guarantee recovery by any means.

After that, many other studies disapproved of the efficacy of 30-day residential rehab programs. In the end, people who tried 30-day treatment plans were more likely to relapse within a year after their visit. 

Are 90-Day Addiction Treatment Programs Better?

Since quick addiction treatments weren’t as effective as people thought, most treatment centers started introducing 90-day rehab programs instead. These more extended rehab programs allowed for more time within the treatment, addressing addiction more profoundly. Results proved that this method was better at keeping relapse rates lower compared to quicker treatments. Of those choosing 90-day rehab programs, only 17% of people reported relapsing in the following year.

A more extended stay in rehab can be quite beneficial to those struggling with addiction. It’s well-documented that 90-day rehab programs can help people address their substance use disorder, and any co-occurring disorder presents more in-depth than shorter programs. 

Addiction Treatments Proven Successful

Regardless of the length of treatment, addiction isn’t one-size-fits-all. Effective treatments, whether quick or long, need to be based on a person’s needs. Many treatment centers offer substance-specific rehab programs that provide the right level of care and mental health support to start recovery. By far, these are some of the most common addiction treatments with a proven successful path to recovery. 

Medical Detox

Medically-assisted detox is so necessary to help people start their recovery journey. This process allows the body to get rid of addictive substances in a safe environment that controls withdrawal effects. Many substances can cause unpleasant or even life-threatening withdrawal effects. Having a medical staff and addiction specialist team helping people through this experience can help them feel better prepared to start treatment. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The single most used form of therapy in addiction treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This form of therapy works with more than just substance abuse. It can help with eating disorders, alcohol addiction, and behavioral addictions. Overall, CBT allows people to recognize unhealthy behavioral patterns, teaches them how to identify triggers, and gives them the coping skills they need to prevent relapse. Many therapists combine CBT with other therapeutic techniques to offer a more comprehensive treatment. 

Contingency Management

Contingency management (CM) can help with various addictions, including tobacco, alcohol, and prescription drugs. This form of therapy reinforces positive behavior by giving people tangible rewards. While this type of treatment is somewhat controversial, it can be highly successful at preventing relapse, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), which is why it’s used at most aftercare programs or relapse prevention treatments.

Many treatment centers incorporate this when patients are starting to recognize their harmful behaviors and show them different ways they can reinforce good ones instead. CM is also used in conjunction with CBT, motivational interviewing, and other forms of therapy. 

12-Step Programs

Also known as 12-step facilitation therapy, these are excellent quick addiction treatments to help with alcohol and substance abuse. This is a form of support group that recognizes how addiction has affected someone’s life. Unlike group therapy, this is a peer group composed of people in addiction treatment or addiction recovery; no therapists are present.

The idea is to offer a safe and encouraging space for those recovering from a substance use disorder to talk about their experiences. Together, as a group, participants walk through the 12-steps of programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) to start a discussion and offer mutual support to all group members. 12-step programs are often free, available nationwide, and now even have online sessions to provide aftercare support to those in recovery. 

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication plays a vital role in addiction recovery. While most people disagree with drug use to treat addiction, it can be paramount for someone’s recovery. Of course, medication-assisted treatment options only work under proper medical and clinical supervision, alongside behavioral therapy.

Some medications can help reduce cravings, improve mood, control withdrawal symptoms, and help reduce addictive behaviors. Some FDA-approved drugs treat specific addictions, like the use of lofexidine for opioid addiction treatment. 

Dual Diagnosis Programs

While it’s true that addiction is often related to a specific substance like drugs or alcohol, most addicts also struggle with a co-occurring mental health illness. Initially, those with a mental illness couldn’t receive treatment for their addictions and vice versa. However, this proved ineffective and dangerous, as they both feed off each other.

People with mental health problems often turn to drugs and alcohol for self-medication, which can turn into an addiction. Then, substance abuse can exacerbate the symptoms of mental illness, making people feel worse. It’s all a vicious cycle. The goal of dual diagnosis programs is to address both conditions simultaneously. By doing so, people have a greater chance of finding long-term recovery. 

Finding Help for Addiction Near Me

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, don’t fall for a quick addiction treatment gimmick. The odds are you’ve tried to quit on your own and realized how difficult it can be.

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, our rehab programs last as long as you need them to be. We don’t believe in precut treatments because we know that addiction isn’t one-size-fits-all. From the moment you walk into our treatment facility, our therapists will work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that adapts to your unique needs. Our commitment is with you and your recovery. 

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