roxicodone addiction treatment

What is Roxicodone? Facts, Addiction & Withdrawal

Roxicodone (Oxycodone) is a medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. It belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics. Like most opioids, Roxicodone has a risk for abuse and addiction, leading to overdose and death. Even when people take Roxicodone under a doctor’s supervision, they’re likely to develop a physical dependence on the drug. Physical dependence occurs when the body needs the drug to function correctly. Many brands include oxycodone, the active ingredient in this medication and mix oxycodone with other substances:

  • Oxycodone alone: OxyContin, Roxicodone, Oxaydo, and OxyIR.
  • Acetaminophen: Percocet and Endocet.
  • Aspirin: Roxiprin, Percodan, Endodan, and Percodan-Demi.
  • Naloxone: Targiniq ER.

What’s Roxicodone?

Roxicodone, the brand name for Oxycodone, is a prescription medication that helps treat severe pain. Another important Roxicodone addiction fact to point out include that the drug is misspelled as Roxycodone. The drug was first synthesized in 1916 and abused for its euphoric effects straightaway. Oxycodone is a pure agonist opioid whose principal therapeutic use is analgesic. Like all pure opioid agonists, there’s no ceiling effect to analgesia, such as we see with partial agonists or non-opioid analgesics. A 10 mg dose of oxycodone given intramuscularly has the same effects as morphine. The long-acting, semi-synthetic opioid analgesic is highly addictive, and as a result of its high abuse, it is a Schedule II narcotic. Users struggle with dependency issues, both physically and psychologically, on the medication. Several reasons why “Roxys,” the slang term for the drug, have become the drug of choice for many opiate pill users over the last several years. Addicts report receiving their first opiate prescription from a doctor or family member. Family members of addicts often fail to realize that the drug of choice of many young addicts was accessible in the family medicine cabinet. Parents must learn how to dispose of unused medications and prescriptions.

How a “Roxy Pill” Looks Like

Uses for Roxicodone

In most cases, this medication is used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. Roxicodone belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics. They work in the brain to change how the body responds to pain, calming it down and helping the person struggle less. Usually, people with ongoing pain (such as cancer patients) receive these medications as part of their treatment.

Side Effects

Like most medications, Roxicodone can cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness, and drowsiness. Someone misusing opioids can also experience:

  • Interrupted breathing
  • Mood changes
  • Hallucinations
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Unusual tiredness

People with alcohol addiction can experience irreversible liver damage if they use Roxicodone. This drug also passes into breast milk and may cause undesirable effects on a nursing infant. Babies can have difficulty feeding, trouble breathing, or developing unusual sleepiness.

Drug Interactions

Mixing Roxicodone with other medications can increase the risk of severe side effects. Here’s a shortlist of the most common drugs and substances that can cause a drug interaction with Roxicodone:

  • Other opioid pain medications (codeine or hydrocodone)
  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Sleep or anxiety drugs (alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem)
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Antihistamines
  • Cough and cold medications
  • Allergy medications

What Causes Roxicodone Addiction?

There isn’t a single cause of Roxy addiction. Instead, it’s a combination of factors that build up to a Roxicodone addiction. Everything from genetics, brain chemistry, and even environmental factors plays a significant role. The large number of prescriptions written for the drug also contributes to the drug’s popularity. Physical dependence and tolerance are widespread among opioid therapy patients. However, significant tolerance shouldn’t occur in patients with the lowest levels of oxycodone. It’s expected that Roxicodone will maintain pain management. This is why it’s essential to run a drug screening and assessment test before prescribing such medications. First-time opioid patients start with a 5-15mg dose as needed or every 6 hours. It’s essential to pay close attention to the daily dose prescribed, potency, and whether patients have taken opioids before. Someone taking 30mg of oxycodone will have a higher risk of developing dependence and addiction.


There’s research that says addiction can be genetic. Those with first-degree relatives with an addiction are more likely to develop a substance dependency in the future.

Brain Chemistry

Opiates like Roxicodone affect the central nervous system (CNS). People with a disrupted CNS or with chemical imbalances are more prone to abuse narcotics. Roxicodone is fast-acting, giving users an instant rush that can be addictive.


It is important to realize, people who grow up in environments surrounded by chaos and addiction are more likely to believe drug abuse is normal. When children see narcotics as normal behavior in the home, they are more likely to try them later. Additionally, people who start experimenting with drugs at an earlier age have a higher chance of becoming addicted.


Is there a relationship between mental illness and addiction? Studies show that people with undiagnosed or untreated mental conditions are more likely to abuse substances. Drugs and alcohol are generally used as coping mechanisms to deal with emotional pain or discomfort. In general, drugs are a way for individuals to self-medicate and treat their mental illness symptoms.

Roxicodone Addiction Signs

Roxicodone abuse symptoms vary and can be mood, behavioral, psychological, and physical functioning. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of someone misusing Roxicodone. Mood Disturbances: 

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Euphoria

Behavioral Disturbances: 

  • Restlessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Financial problems
  • Forging prescriptions
  • Tampering with prescriptions
  • Borrowing or stealing from family or friends
  • Using more than one doctor to obtain prescriptions
  • Failing to meet demands at work, home, and school
  • Withdrawing from hobbies and pleasurable activities
  • Frequent trips to emergency rooms with vague complaints of pain

Psychological Disturbances: 

  • Confusion
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations
  • Clouding of consciousness

Physical Disturbances: 

  • Shock
  • Sweats
  • Itching
  • Fatigue
  • Seizures
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Chest pain
  • Nodding off
  • Constipation
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Urinary retention
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Circulatory depression
  • Decreased respiratory rate
  • Increased respiratory infections

Am I Addicted to Roxicodone?

People don’t become full-blown Roxicodone addicts overnight. It’s vital to ask yourself and those you love these questions to spot the early stages of Roxicodone addiction.

  • Have you tried to stop or control your use of this medication without success?
  • Do people around you complain about your sudden mood changes?
  • Has someone brought up the idea that you might be addicted to Roxicodone or other drugs?
  • Are you under financial or legal stress?
  • Do you have trouble at work or school?
  • Do you find yourself using more of the drug to manage your mental health?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you might have a problem. We recommend that you seek immediate medical attention and consider talking to an addiction specialist. It appears you might be in the early stages of developing an addiction to your prescription medication.

Side Effects Of Roxicodone Addiction

Roxicodone is an immediate-release form of Oxycodone. Because of this quick release, many use this medication recreationally, which quickly forms a physical dependency. The effect of Roxicodone is the reaction the receptions have on the brain and central nervous system. Roxicodone attaches itself to the same receptions as heroin, which, as a result, creates a rush of dopamine. Thus, the user continually desires to chase the rush of dopamine again and again. Additionally, there are several adverse effects of the medication. The most common side effects are vomiting, drowsiness, hypotension, and insomnia. Users of the drug are encouraged to speak to a medical professional before stopping the medication. If taken with medicines that interact, such as over-the-counter medicines, allergy medications, or sleeping pills — Roxicodone can cause shallow breathing or drowsiness. Common side effects of Roxicodone abuse also include reduced respiration and heartbeat, constipation, loss of appetite, and pupil size reduction. Also, more severe side effects of Roxicodone abuse might include seizures, extreme muscle weakness, and respiratory failure.

Most Common Withdrawal Symptoms

Roxicodone withdrawal symptoms can be intense and life-threatening. Patients should not abruptly stop Roxicodone use. As a result, addicts are encouraged to seek detox treatment to lower their drug dose slowly. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Cold or allergic reactions
  • Mood changes
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Insomnia

Overall withdrawal symptoms will vary depending on the dosage, time abusing, and other personal indicators. These factors will also affect how long does oxycodone say in your system. Medical help is always necessary when trying to stop using medication to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

Roxicodone Overdose

Whether you’re using this medication following your prescription or you’re someone misusing this medication recreationally, both users have the risk of an overdose. If someone has overdosed, give them naloxone, if available, and call 911 immediately. Symptoms of overdose may include slow and shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, coma, and responsiveness. Due to a medical illness, people taking this medication should ask their doctors for naloxone to keep it available to treat an opioid overdose. It’s important to teach family members and other individuals living in the house about the signs of opioid overdose and how to use naloxone. [box type=”info”] If someone overdoses on oxycodone, call 911 immediately or the national toll-free Poison Help hotline (1-800-222-1222). If you have Naloxone available, administer it following the instructions on the package. Download our guide on how to use naloxone.[/box]

Opiate Abuse and Addiction In the United States

Chronic pain affects more than 25 million people in the United States, according to recent studies from 2020. As a result, doctors must find a way to integrate pain management practices while reducing addiction risk. There are non-narcotic prescriptions available; however, most consumers are unaware of these medications and their benefits. The medical community must become more aware of alternative options before prescribing narcotic drugs for minor pain. Alternatively, patients should also expand their knowledge of alternative medications with a lower risk of adverse health effects.

Treatment Options

People who want to stop the misuse of prescription drugs should again consult with medical professionals. Overall, having appropriate medical assistance is essential for drug addiction recovery. However, it’s vital to find a rehab center that offers comprehensive treatment and personalized attention.

Opioid Detox

Generally, the first step of recovery is medical detox. Here, patients receive monitoring to ensure they are safe while alleviating the severe symptoms of opiate withdrawal.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

While some people might be wary of medications to treat addiction, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can help. The idea is to prescribe medications like Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone in a controlled environment. With time, these medications help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and minimize the urge to continue using Roxicodone. To emphasize, this isn’t a standalone treatment. Ideally, medication-assisted treatment complements behavioral therapy to help manage a person’s addictive behavior.

Behavioral Therapy

In the long run, therapy is a vital part of drug addiction treatment. Some addicts choose an inpatient drug rehab program, while others prefer an outpatient program instead. Regardless of the type of treatment plan, they all incorporate behavioral therapies to help individuals learn to manage triggers that lead to substance use. For example, one of the most popular therapies includes cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Here, patients generally focus on their thoughts and behaviors that relate to their substance use. It can also help address underlying mental health issues that may contribute to addiction. Additionally,  family support programs that involve family and friends to encourage someone’s recovery are frequently part of drug rehab.

Dual-Diagnosis Programs

Most people struggling with addiction to Roxicodone also experience co-occurring disorders, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Schizophrenia

Usually, enlisting in a dual-diagnosis program can be equally important. Through these types of treatments, patients can seek help for their addiction and mental health illnesses. Generally, when they don’t treat the underlying mental health condition, addicts tend to relapse more often.

Find Roxicodone Addiction Treatment Today

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we believe in individual treatment programs to promote success. If you or someone you love struggles with addiction to Roxicodone, our drug rehab center can help you or a loved one recover from various addiction types. Call 866-308-2090 today. You don’t have to struggle with drug or alcohol addiction alone. Allow us an opportunity to help you reclaim your life on the road to recovery.

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