heroes in recovery award

Heroes in the Recovery Community

Brittany Ringersen, CEO of Lighthouse Recovery Institute, was presented with the Heroes in Recovery Award.

Each year, the Foundations Network recognizes addiction professionals for their innovative contributions to the medical profession. The Heroes in Recovery Award is an annual celebration at the Foundations Network National Conference. The awards committee selects the recipients of the heroes in recovery.

The honor of one of their biannual Heroes in Recovery Awards in San Diego, California, went to Lighthouse Recovery institute’s CEO and Executive Director, Brittany Ringersen. The 2015 CEO of the Foundations Recovery Network, Rob Waggener and Heidi Huerta, presented the award to Brittany Ringersen. The presenters said Ringersen epitomizes the concepts of the Heroes in Recovery movement.

Drug Addiction Policy Reform Efforts 

Brittany Ringersen, Certified Addiction Counselor and CEO of Lighthouse Recovery Institute, receives recognition for the treatment center’s outstanding clinical achievement. Additionally, the CEO is receiving notoriety for the treatment industry’s impact on both a micro and macro scale.

To a large extent, Ringersen believes in education and prevention. She works alongside large media outlets such as NBC Dateline and the Today show explaining prescription medications’ dangers. Additionally, being vocal about her struggles with an addiction help combat the stigma of addiction. 

Also, the clinical philosophy of the treatment center focuses immensely on family work. As a result, Ringersen believes this core focus will help to develop and frame long-term recovery. “Families should be part of the treatment of their loved ones. There has to be a logical integration,” says Ringersen.

Thus, Lighthouse Recovery Institute, a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in South Florida, strives to change addiction treatment standards.

High-Quality Addiction Treatment

The Foundations Network shares the Lighthouse Recovery Institute’s appreciation of high-quality standards of care. Better standards for both the patient and family relating to substance abuse disorders must be a continual talking point. As a result, each year, they increase their reach to focus and highlight community leaders’ efforts, impacting local and national levels to develop lasting change. For more information or concerning addiction policy reform efforts or media opportunities with our CEO, please contact us here.

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