signs of depression

Lighthouse Recovery Institute’s Therapist Talk About the Warning Signs of Depression with WPTV News

After the death of famous actor Robin Williams, the country was at a loss for how bad the mental health problem is. To discuss the warning signs of addiction many of us miss, WPTV News talked with Lighthouse Recovery Institute to lift the stigma of mental illness and depression.

It’s common for people to dismiss the signs of a mental health disorder. Sometimes they even avoid discussing their symptoms, despite struggling with life-threatening conditions.

The death of a famous actor, who was one of the happiest persons alive, is a wake-up call to many individuals. Our primary therapist, Josephine Healy, talked with WPTV News about the signs parents, family members, and friends can be on alert about their loved one. Often, these signs are mild and can easily be mistaken as personality traits. However, over the years, we know that these can be cries for help and comprehension.

If you or someone you know exhibits signs of depression, anxiety, or other mental disorders, please reach out to a professional therapist. A simple therapy session can help you identify these disorders and get you on the right path toward recovery. Not to mention, it also helps you understand the warning signs of depression so you can seek treatment when you need it.

Contact the Lighthouse Recovery Institute today to discuss our mental health therapy programs and more.

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