
Why You Should Never Give Up On Someone with Alcohol Addiction

It can be challenging (to say the least) for family members and friends to watch someone struggling with alcohol addiction. While the addict’s struggles may become more apparent over time, the pain of loved ones can be crippling. As a result, family members spend much of their time trying to get their loved one to agree to get treatment for their alcohol problem.

It’s incredibly difficult to watch someone you care about fall victim to alcohol addiction. Without proper treatment for alcohol abuse or dependence, overtime addicts may suffer severe consequences. Addicts will often lose their jobs, hurt relationships by lying and stealing, and become unpleasant to be around.

Loving Someone with Addiction

It’s easy to lose faith in someone struggling with addiction. Sometimes, people might even try to detach themselves from their loved ones in a desperate attempt to help them. Detaching with love is a common practice among family members of addicts, which can be quite useful. 

However, you have to remember that addiction is a progressive and chronic condition. But most importantly, addiction is treatable. Every person has the potential to change, and treatment for alcohol addiction is available in most states. 

Additionally, loved ones can never lose track of the potential they see in an addict. While it’s true a person can’t get better unless they are willing to do so, they often find the strength to believe by looking at themselves through the eyes of the people who love them. The support from those closest to an addict is paramount to the recovery process.

Understanding Relapse

Treatment for alcohol addiction has advanced over the years and continues to improve. However, as frustrating as it can be, relapse can often be a part of the recovery process. Watching a loved one fall back into familiar patterns is indeed disheartening. However, those who go through a relapse have also proven that they do have the strength to stop. It’s in times of relapse that they need loved ones more than ever. 

Be Honest

While you shouldn’t abandon someone with alcohol addiction, you need to be honest with yourself. No matter how badly you’re willing to help someone get better, you ought to seek help for yourself as well. There are some occasions where leaving your loved one behind might be life-saving for yourself.

Beware of these episodes and stay on alert that you never:

  • Start falling for an alcohol addiction yourself
  • Stay in a mentally and physically abusive relationship to support a loved one with alcoholism
  • Let your loved one harm your children in any way
  • Continue to enable your loved one’s addiction
  • Place their wellbeing and priorities over yours

Finding Help

Alcoholism is a horrible disease that affects not only the addict but the entire family. If you have a loved one struggling with alcohol abuse, please find professional help today. Speaking with an experienced addiction therapist can help you stage an intervention and start looking into the many ways you can support your loved one in recovery. Assisting family therapy sessions and Al-anon group meetings are paramount for your mental health and overall well-being. At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, our caring staff will support you and your family every step of the way. 

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