rx summit on addiction

What the Annual RX Summit on Addiction Means for Treatment

The summit on addiction has boasted speakers like former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Last year, President Donald Trump attended. Each year, they tackle different addiction issues.

What is the RX Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit on Addiction?

Every year, Healthcare Made Practical (HMP) holds the annual RX Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit on addiction. HMP specializes in healthcare training and conferences. Thousands of lawmakers, professionals, researchers, and community members attend this event each year.

Generally, attending the event is a great way to learn what’s new in addiction treatment. It can also be an opportunity to learn about new approaches. Attendees have the chance to learn, work together, and develop new ideas to help addicts and alcoholics recover.

This Year’s Summit on Addiction

This year’s summit on addiction was held in April. Topics ranged from treatment to supporting families. Other issues addressed this year were:

  • Faith-based treatment options
  • Fentanyl and other synthetic opiates
  • Providing jobs and community support
  • Helping families prevent drug abuse
  • Emergency medical responses
  • New clinical treatment methods
  • Case management
  • Reducing communicable diseases
  • Tracking data
  • Law enforcement response
  • How children are impacted by drug use
  • Responsible treatment of chronic pain

One of the primary goals of the event is to provide the latest information and training on addiction treatment. As a result, attendees have the opportunity to learn new approaches. Next year’s presenters will include university researchers, law enforcement groups, and FedUp!.

Unfortunately, addiction has a stigma. Because of this, many people don’t think that addicts and alcoholics deserve care. And, many others believe that jail is the answer. Summits like HMP’s can help combat this by providing information and research. Even more importantly, the summit is an opportunity for professionals to collaborate. Hopefully, the result will be even more effective treatment approaches.

The Importance of Information and Advocacy

The RX Abuse and Heroin Summit on addiction is just one of many events. Also, people across the country hold hundreds of training, rallies, and conferences on addiction. Additionally, these Summits offer hope to millions of professionals and community members. It’s a sign that we may be coming closer to turning the tide.

Sadly, for the past several decades, addiction has harmed every community in America. As a result, it’s a battle that requires all hands on deck. Fortunately, community members, professionals, lawmakers, doctors, and recovering people have all begun to work together to solve this issue. As a result, changes are occurring on both a local and national level expanding coverage for treatment opportunities.

Additionally, allies are backing the idea that there needs to be a more robust continuum of care, aside from medical detox and overdose reversal medications. To sum up, drug rehab centers must be available for addicts in need of treatment, and there is a bed shortage currently.

Drug Rehab Centers

Treating addiction involves many factors. For example, patients need therapy and doctors. However, they also need community support. That’s why it’s so important to work together.

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we do our part by offering quality treatment. As a result, we believe that everyone deserves (and needs) quality care. To achieve this, we combine compassion with experience. If you’re ready to get help, give us a call today.

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