treating alcohol addiction

Understanding Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction is one of the most prevalent and widely misunderstood psychological disorders in the world. Millions of Americans suffer from alcoholism, though the majority of these afflicted individuals never seek treatment. Either because they remain unaware of the implications of the disease, or because they remain unaware that alcohol treatment is available and accessible.

If you have watched a loved one suffer at the hands of alcohol addiction, you may be wondering why they continue drinking. Generally, denial or refusing to accept the severity of the drinking problem is the root of the problem. As a result, many individuals struggle with alcohol addiction for much longer than they need to.

So if you or someone you love needs treatment for alcohol addiction but is unable to see the necessity of professional help, here are several steps you can take.

Types of Alcohol Addiction Treatment

There are several ways to go about encouraging a loved one to commit to inpatient alcohol treatment. Many will say, “Treatment is not successful unless a person wants to get sober.”

However, many addicts begrudgingly went to an alcohol rehab center at first. After all, recovering from addiction requires that you be honest, open-minded, and willing to the process of recovery. However, you can intervene and help your loved one get to the point where they want to get help for their alcohol addiction.

Medical Detox and Inpatient Rehab

If an addict is aware they have an addiction to alcohol and drugs, they may have already thought about stopping. They may have even tried to stop on their own, but were unable to refrain from turning back to alcohol and drugs. However, from this point of desperation, they may seek treatment at a medical detox and inpatient rehab center.

Medical detoxification will help them get off alcohol so that they can focus on the underlying causes of their condition. Additionally, alcohol rehab helps to identify what led them to turn to alcohol and drugs in the first place. Even if they only have the smallest desire to get help to conquer an addiction, seeking treatment could be the difference between life and death.


Alternatively, when a loved one doesn’t seem to reach out for help, it may be time to intervene. So, you can host an intervention to help encourage your loved one to get into treatment. Even if the addict remains on the fence about getting help, you voicing your concerns with other loved ones may be what they need to hear to get them to seek the counseling they need.

An addict might agree to treatment because of an ultimatum or rules put in place if they don’t seek help for their alcohol addiction. But that is okay if that is what it takes to convince them to get professional help. If this is the case, then treatment can still work, and your loved one can recover. Sometimes, an addict needs therapy so that they can come to terms with the reality of their addiction.

Generally, interventions can be a great way to help your loved one realize that there is a problem. It really can help push them toward seeking treatment. In many ways, an intervention is the pivotal first step toward getting the necessary help.

The Benefits of Staging an Intervention

If someone you love is in severe denial that they need addiction help, you may want to stage an intervention. A professionally facilitated intervention can be exceedingly beneficial. Generally, interventions encourage a loved one to commit to treatment that they do not necessarily feel that they need. Often, those struggling with severe alcohol dependency may be too intoxicated to understand the benefits of sobriety fully.

When in the throes of active addiction, it can be challenging to comprehend a world without alcohol. An addict and alcoholic may wonder how they will ever cope without the use of alcohol or other drugs. However, when they work on getting sober, everything will start to make more sense. The longer they stay sober, and the more coping strategies that they pick up along the way, the more the quality of their life should improve. As a result, returning to drinking should become so far from anything they would want.

So, if you are planning on staging an intervention, be sure to do so with a professional facilitator onboard. Lighthouse Recovery Institute would be happy to recommend an interventionist to you. Please feel free to give us a call today at  1-866-308-2090. 

Finding the Best Treatment Option

Of course, getting a loved one into alcohol addiction treatment might not always be so difficult. For example, if the addict has experienced severe consequences directly tied to drinking, they may be ready for help. Additionally, if an addict has surrendered to the fact that alcohol addiction treatment is to repair their life, its vital to act quickly.

Our trained staff members at Lighthouse Recovery Institute are standing by, waiting for your call. We can also help you get your loved one into treatment as soon as he or she is ready. Recovery is a possibility for every alcoholic, and we are here to help overcome alcohol addiction.

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