a man confronts his spouse about her addiction

Living With an Addict

Living with an addict might be extremely challenging, especially when someone you love refuses to seek treatment. You may sometimes feel confused and overwhelmed, unsure of the right thing to do. However, it is possible to fight codependency, set healthy boundaries, and be supportive and compassionate with help from a professional family therapy program. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, Lighthouse Recovery can guide those with addiction and their families on the path of sobriety and healing.

Living with an addict will surely test your patience, resilience, and willpower. You may often feel hurt by their behavior and guilty for being unable to change them. At times, you may even question yourself or put your life in reckless danger. That is why you must educate yourself on the different facets of addiction, get some support for yourself, and train your mind not to take things personally.

To know more about how codependency affects addiction and families, and the ways you can train yourself to offer active support, call us at 866.308.2090.

Tips for Living with an Addict

The following strategies might make living with an addict less difficult and guide you in effectively managing stressful or dangerous situations.

1. Be Aware of Enabling Behavior

If your parent, spouse, or child is struggling with addiction, the most important step you can take is to consciously choose not to enable their behavior.

Do not give them money to enable their addiction or let them have that extra glass of alcohol at a social occasion. Avoid making excuses for their behavior or covering for them. In short, make it clear that you do not support their self-destructive lifestyle.

However, at the same time, educate yourself on addiction symptoms and withdrawal. Support your loved ones in their decision to quit, but don’t encourage them to quit cold turkey without reaching out to a detox program first.

2. Fight Codependency

When you love someone, it is natural to feel concerned about their emotional well-being. However, do not let your self-worth be dependent on whether or not you are loved. All relationships are a give-and-take, and you must not constantly sacrifice your own needs for others.

At the end of the day, the family member is responsible for their behavior, and it is not your job to rescue them or justify their problematic actions.

3. Set Firm Boundaries

If you are living with an addict and suspect that the relationship is fraught with codependency, setting firm boundaries is the first step you should take.

Remind yourself that you can love and care for someone without enabling their addiction and that putting your own needs first is not selfish.

4. Keep an Eye on Finances

Living with an addict might also involve financial or legal difficulties. If money often goes missing from your wallet, consider taking precautions. The person may even try to steal and sell your possessions to pay for drugs, and you might even be called to bail them out.

Be mindful of such complications, and find a way to protect yourself and your finances from misuse.

5. Encourage Them to Seek Treatment

You cannot force someone to attend rehab against their wishes, but you can provide them with vital healthcare resources.

If they are in denial about their addiction, make it clear that you do not support their lifestyle and that you are willing to find professional treatment options for them. Even if they are unwilling to attend rehab, consider scheduling a visit with a therapist or healthcare provider.

Also, have contingency plans for when situations go out of control. If you notice the person’s physical health is failing or that they run the risk of an overdose, consider a crisis intervention.

Find Help and Healing at Lighthouse Recovery in Florida

At Lighthouse Recovery, we believe that a successful recovery from addiction is possible for all.

Our treatment facility in Boynton Beach, Florida offers 90-day treatment programs with a focus on aftercare and family therapy. Over the years, we have helped countless people with addiction and their families fight codependency, heal from trauma and rebuild their lives anew.

It is never too late to change your life for the better. Call us at 866.308.2090 and take the first step towards healing today.

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