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delray beach rehab

Delray Beach Recovery: Getting Sober in the Recovery Capital of the World

Delray Beach Recovery – The Truth

Raise your hand if you got sober in Delray Beach, Florida. That’s a lot of hands. Wait, my hand’s in the air, too. Like a lot of other addicts and alcoholics, I’m a product of a Delray Beach recovery program.

There’s a reason Delray Beach is called the recovery capital of the world. The reason, common sense as it may be, is because Delray Beach is the recovery capital of the world.

Learn how to regain trust and get your family back!

Why Do So Many People Get Sober in Delray?

How did this little beach town turn into some sort of recovery mecca? Why do people looking to get the sober flock to Delray Beach, FL like active addicts to the free sample guy?

There’s no one reason for this explosive growth in Delray Beach recovery centers. Rather, it’s a combination of a few factors.

First, there are a ton of rehabs. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some sort of treatment center. These range from fully residential places with great reputations, to your fly-by-night IOP insurance scams. There are also a ton of halfway houses and sober living properties. Again, these range from respectable and professional to shady and unregulated.

What about before all the rehabs and halfway houses, though? Why’d the first treatment center in Delray Beach open up? This was before Florida’s pain clinic boom, obviously. Well, Delray’s pretty far from where most people looking for treatment come from. Drug addiction has become more pervasive in the northeast and midwest. 

Finally, there’s the weather. The simple, beautiful, perfect except for when it’s raining weather. Recovery requires you to work on attaining peaceful, balanced state of mind, and what can be better for your mental well being than blue skies and the salty breeze?

My Introduction to Delray Beach

I, like many other young men in recovery, ended up in Delray thanks to my parents.

The year was 2007. I was living at home, having been kicked out of college. I was severely addicted to heroin. I was unemployable, in every sense of the word. My parents didn’t know what to do.

They were recommended to inpatient rehab in Delray and next thing I knew, I was on a plane. I knew the area down here a bit, thanks to my grandparents, but had no idea what I was in for.

I arrived shaking, sweating, and clearly already in withdrawal. A Behavioral Health Therapist from the rehab picked me up and took me to their heroin treatment facility for detox. So began my introduction to the Delray Beach recovery world.

My Experience Getting Sober in Delray

I had a great time in rehab. Really, I’m not joking. I learned a ton about myself, met some great people, and got a therapist I still see to this day. I wasn’t prepared for life outside of the treatment bubble, though.

I got out and started getting high almost immediately. The 24/7 meetings didn’t matter. The PHP, IOP, and aftercare didn’t matter. The halfway house I was living in didn’t matter. Hurting my family for the hundredth time didn’t matter.

See, I’m an addict and alcoholic. I have this mental obsession with drinking and drugging. All the treatment in the world won’t get rid of it. All the good reasons to stay sober won’t get rid of it. I had to do some serious work on myself to remove that obsession.

I bounced around Delray for a year and, after another stint in rehab, got my life together. I was introduced to a twelve-step group that was serious. They were book thumpers and got me into the steps right away. I started to get better right away, too.

Is IOP therapy really worth it?

The Pro’s and Con’s of Getting Sober in Delray Beach

You’ve heard my story, now take a look at an objective analysis of the good and the bad about finding addiction recovery in Delray Beach.


  • The Many Legit Rehabs, IOP’s & Sober Houses
  • Around the Clock Meetings
  • A Supportive Recovery Community
  • A Supportive Non-Recovery Community (many businesses hire people in recovery and, generally speaking, give us a second chance to be productive members of society)
  • You Can Get Everywhere by Bike (seriously, if you’re living in Delray there’s no need for a car)
  • The Weather (It’s paradise down here. There’s a reason for that saying “we live where you vacation”)
  • The Town Itself (Delray has awesome restaurants, sober nightlife, beaches, nature centers, and just about anything else you could want)


  • The Many Crooked Rehabs, IOP’s & Sober Houses
  • The Drug Dealers (there are people selling drugs everywhere, but in Delray, drug dealers have been known to target newly sober men and women)
  • People Relapsing Often

The Final Verdict About Recovery in Delray Beach

Look, I got sober in Delray Beach and love this town. Ultimately though, like so much of sobriety, it’s a subjective experience. I know people who’ve changed their lives here. I know others who just can’t seem to get sober.

There are pro’s and there are cons. You choose. If you do decide to come here to get sober or stay here after treatment, I hope I run into you at a meeting.

At Lighthouse Recovery Institute, we understand there’s no simple solution to substance abuse. We’ve been there. We’ve felt the hopelessness of active addiction and found a way out.

Thankfully, there’s another way. Recovery is possible and within the reach of everyone. Call us today at 1-844-I-CAN-CHANGE or 1-(561)-381-0015.

Let us help you or your loved one recover. Let us help you break the chains of addiction.

Lighthouse Recovery Institute: Guiding You to a Brighter Tomorrow.

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